Our big news this month was installing our deer fencing around our research plot and placing our sign. April 6 saw rain, hail, wind, a little sunshine and, by 09:00hrs, 10 hardy volunteers ready to start working.
The installation of the signs was coordinated by Linda Harrop, who had previously secured the signs from a local sign maker. The signs were placed on the corner of the research plot, facing both north and south, and highly visible from Highway 6.
There was a quick lunch break where everyone was able to dry off a bit and fill up on hot potato soup, smokies, salad, and coffee. We wrapped up the work around 3:30, just as mother nature kicked it into high gear. The day concluded with the crew enjoying some fine wine from winemakers Jody Scott and Linda Harrop. In total the volunteers on this day spent 60 plus person hours in addition to all the work spent by Joel and Linda and the rest of the crew organizing the day.
A big thanks again to all the volunteers.
Now onto the next task.....