Saturday, 15 February 2014

Spring 2014

How the time flies!  Seems like we just wrapped up the vineyard for the winter and here it is nearing Spring already.  The vineyard seems to have survived the winter so far, although to be honest we have pretty much left it alone.

That does not mean we have not been busy.  There has been lots of meetings, funding applications submitted, discussion on when to prune and more importantly how hard to prune.  Vines that struggled or did not grow strong enough during year one will need to be pruned back to "2 buds" - essentially right back to the beginning.  Typically this is a result of the first year growth focused on root production instead of shoot production so our vines are not evenly grown or stunted.  We did have a number of varieties that grew quite well and we will start to train our first cordon and potentially let them fruit this year.  Very exciting!

We also have compiled our climate data from the 2013 data.  Overall 2013 was quite a bit better than 2012 with all regions seeing a significant bump in growing degree days and frost free days.  Details of this will be coming up in a future blog, so stay tuned.

Lastly, a little plug for a few upcoming events.

March 22 - ALGGS will be hosting a Red wine food pairing and tasting event in Burton.  This compliments the white wine event held last year and will be done just in time for the Rotary wine event.  Tickets will be available soon.

April 12 - ALGGS has been helping the Nakusp Rotary organize and deliver and wine tasting event.  This event will feature wine vendors from wineries of BC with approximately 16 wineries represented.  Tickets are going fast, so make sure you contact Rotary so you do not miss out.

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