Sunday, 10 September 2017

September Brix readings

As of September 11 most of the hanging fruit is looking nice.  We did not loose any fruit to powdery mildew this year and all the vines look very healthy - from a disease perspective at least. As note in the previous Blog we do have some heat stress indicators with a few varieties dropping fruit. 

Varieties that members are hoping to make wine from have all been covered with bird and insect netting. Good job all! I think all the whites are spoken for and 3 reds so it will be great to see how it all turns out.

A quick walk through with the refractometer provided the following sugar content numbers.  Brix were measured by testing 3 to 4 grapes at various locations on each row. 2016 measurements were gathered on September 4 and are shown in brackets. 


Siegerrebbe: 17.5 (2016 19 brix). Large cluster with large berries

L'Acadia Blanc: 18.5 (2016 18 brix). Loose cluster and medium size berries

Chardonnay: 15 (fruit removed to powdery mildew in 2016). Medium size clusters and berries

Osceolo Muscat: 19 (2016 18 brix). Loose cluster, but large with medium berries

Auxerrois: 16 (fruit removed due to powdery mildew in 2016). Very little fruit this year due to heat stress 

Madeliene Angevine 15 (fruit removed due to powdery mildew in 2016). Medium to Large berries and large cluster

Madeliene Sylvaner 17 (fruit removed due to powdery mildew in 2016). Large clusters and berries

Epicure: 15.5(2016 15.5 brix). Loose clusters with medium berries

Petite Milo: 17 (2016 19.5 brix). Medium size clusters and berries. 

Amiel: 16.5 (2016 16 brix) - Large clusters and berries


48-05-83: 16.5 (2016 15.5 brix). Medium cluster and berries

Labelle: 16.5 (2016 16 brix). Loose clusters, small berries

Baco Noir: 16 (2016 15 brix). Very little fruit this year due to heat stress.

Zweigelt: 17 (2015 16.5 brix). Very little fruit this year due to heat stress.

Leon Millot: 20 (2016 19 brix). Medium bunches with medium berries

Pinot Noir:17 (2016 17 brix). Loose medium size bunches with medium berries 

Regent: 15 (2016 15 brix). Very little fruit this year due to heat stress.

Some of the fruit is on par with last years numbers and in some case a bit behind. Slightly surprised by this given the hot/dry summer we had. Any thoughts?  All in all I think our numbers over the last 3 years are pretty consistent, which bodes well, since all three years were quite different weather wise.

As always comments are appreciated,

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